Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Gentrifying San Francisco Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gentrifying San Francisco - Research Paper Example This involves poor residents being displaced by wealthy and resourceful people (Corbyn 1). Communities that experience gentrification are characterized by an increase in average income and a decrease in the average size of a family. Gentrification has the potential to affect the gay community in San Francisco through the displacement of people, economic shifts and social changes. One of the main challenges that the gay community in San Francisco, California is facing is gentrification. Gay leaders in influential gay neighborhoods such as Castro fear that these regions are quickly losing their identities. According to Associated Press (2007), these regions are being populated by heterosexual couples. An influx of heterosexual couples in these regions can be attributed to the forces of gentrification (Associated Press 1). Gay neighborhoods are increasingly becoming attractive to investors and developers. The gentrification debate is based on discussions around the uprooting of minority and poor individuals and families. These people are uprooted from their communities by government policies or developers. Different approaches or theories have been used to explain the cause of gentrification in San Francisco. There are five crucial factors that have been attributed to this trend. These are social-cultural, demographic-ecological, social movements, political-economic and community networks. In the case of demographic-ecological, gentrification has been attributed to demographic factors such as environment, social organization, population and technology. This approach explains the explosive increase in population of people aged between 25 and 35 years in the 1970s (Associated Press 1). As a result of this increase in population, demand for housing and amenities also increased. The second approach that is used to explain gentrification is the social-cultural approach. This approach expl ains gentrification based on sentiments, values, beliefs, ideas and

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Skillful Teacher Essay Example for Free

The Skillful Teacher Essay Introduction There has been a great deal of change taking place in the field of education over the past few years. It seems that every time we turn around a new approach is being heralded as the best in terms of teaching and helping students to excel. Most of these works come and go, as they more often than not, involve fads of sorts. With books like â€Å"The Skillful Teacher† by Stephen D. Brookfield and â€Å"Teaching Tips† by McKeachie there is hope that we can find the teacher that we always wanted to be within us. In Brookfield’s book we see a personal approach to teaching students and an approach that not only takes the students into account, but also the teacher. In McKeachie’s book we find many helpful tips that we can take into the classroom, no matter what the age of the student. In the following paper I will share with you some of the things that I have learned from these books and how I can utilize them in the classroom. Experiencing Teaching. Brookfield essentially asks the reader, the teacher, to look at teaching, to examine what they love about teaching, perhaps why they got into teaching, and use that knowledge as a foundation for the process. Brookfield offers suggestions, but seems to primarily rely on the intelligence and passion of the reader for the development of their own unique vision as it involves teaching. Learning is not a predictable and stable reality. There are rhythms to learning and students, as well as teachers, will often find themselves at a point where they are essentially stagnating as they have reached a level of burn out to some degree. Brookfield does not ignore these realities but presents the reader with ways in which to provide new motivation for learning, new motivation that helps students, and teachers, out of established patterns. Brookfield’s method of a textbook in a narrative form is a novel idea for future teachers who can gain more from a â€Å"story† than a theory book. I found the section on muddling through to be enlightening. As teachers we never know what is going to happen in a classroom on any given day so the best we can do sometimes is muddle through and hope that we make the right decisions. As a teacher I find myself doing this sometimes but I thought it was because I havent been teaching very long. I had no idea that there were actually teachers out there that have the same. Brookfield states that â€Å"this is going to be an opinionated, some would say polemical, book† (p. 3). I believe at this point in our career, when we are either teaching or getting ready to teach the opinions of those who have experience are more helpful to us than the theory that we learn. Real live experiences tend to stick in our mind better than a theory or formula that we might be able to incorporate into the classroom. Brookfield points out how important it is to gain the trust of the students. The teacher is, after all, the teacher, not the student. The teacher’s position, in this respect, can be very fragile if the students do not trust the teacher to do their job well, but also maintain an intelligence that is above the students to some degree. If a student does not trust that the teacher knows what they are doing, they will not listen to what the teacher presents. The example that Brookfield used (p.4, 5) regarding how to get students to open up and actually take part in a discussion is a breaking point for all teachers. This information will be helpful to me in â€Å"ALL† future classes. As an instructor at the college level, the only way that I know if my students understand the material that I have given them is an open discussion of the material. Unfortunately at times the silence is deafening. While I understand that Brookfield’s work primarily addresses adult students, college students many of the things that he mentioned can apply to students of any age. Again, this is an important aspect of teaching and learning for a student who feels motivated to become involved in discussions will feel that they are part of the process, that they are part of the teaching process. And, along the way they, as well as the other students, learn more than they thought they would. As Brookfield points out, too often students are not approached as though they were adults, a reality that Brookfield sees as very damaging to the teacher and learning process. Bearing this aspect in mind we see this first chapter as intriguing and very enlightening for college students do not need to be forced to learn, as though they were children. Students need to be approached as adults, from a teacher who is an adult and who is passionate about the entire learning process. Brookfield admits that emotional problems, emotional outbursts will occur while teaching. He does not avoid these realities, but addresses them and provides many helpful perspectives a teacher can take in dealing with such. Feedback Since some students really do have a hard time with open discussion in the classroom the one minute paper is a tool that can be utilized to find out if the teacher is actually getting pertinent information across to the students. We all know that students shake their heads in agreement so they can get out of class, but we never know if they actually understand what we are talking about. This is a tool that I plan on implementing in my classroom in the future, several times within the semester just to make sure that everyone is able to understand the information that I am trying to relay. I believe that the muddiest point (Brookfield, p. 38) will also be a significant point within this one minute paper. While I know that we should not try to control what the students write, because it inhibits their critical thinking, they might actually need some structure as to what they should put into their paper. In my experience, when asked to do a paper of any type, students always want to know what is expected of them so I might just throw things out for them that they might include in this one minute paper such as: â€Å"What was the most confusing thing that we covered today†; â€Å"Do you think anything that we discussed today will be important to you in your future? If so, what and why? †; â€Å"Tell me what I could have done today to help you learn the information better†. Since I teach an oral communication this will be a new experience for both the student and me, but I feel that I can glean good feedback by utilizing this method. Participation/Nonparticipation In McKeachie’s â€Å"Teaching Tips† (p. 45) the section on nonparticipants was something that I could relate to because it is so difficult sometimes to get some of the students to participate in any type of discussion. You never know if they have actually read the material assigned or if they just dont like to talk in class to a bunch of strangers. I really dont like to think that my students are bored but when students have a textbook for another class out reading it while you are lecturing, you have to wonder if you are that boring or if something else is just more important at the moment. In the discussion monopolizer section (McKeachie, p. 48) it stated that â€Å"if you have worked on nonparticipation effectively, the discussion monopolizer is less likely to be a problem†. Unfortunately there seems to always be that one student who wants to be the center of attention and they wish to talk (a lot) even if what they say has no relevance to the subject at hand. There have been times in my classes when I ask questions and continually have the same person answering the questions that I actually say; Now someone besides (blank) give me an answer. Sometimes teachers have to do this, not in an effort to embarrass the student but more so to give other students an opportunity to speak. The section in McKeachies â€Å"Teaching Tips† (p 45) about nonparticipants was extremely important to me. Because â€Å"most students are used to being passive† it is very difficult to get them to participate in an oral communications class. There is always so much apprehension from students that is difficult to get some of them to participate in anything that the class does. I spend a huge amount of time coming up with ways to get the students to participate in a manner that relieves their apprehension and anxiety. Some students right out of high school just dont have the experience in public speaking or people meeting skills that they need to get involved. Another instructor in my department gave me the idea to pair students up or put them in small groups of four or five and give them an opportunity to do different exercises to get everyone involved without having to be the center of attention for the whole class. Having rant sessions seems too pull these students out of their comfort zone of silence, because there is generally something that everyone has bottled up inside that theyre just waiting to get off their chest. Brookfield (p 141) talks about grading for participation by establishing clear criteria for effective participation. He states that this should be done in the syllabus but I do not think that it has to be that specific in the syllabus. There are different ways to have participation such as in groups. I like to break my class up into small groups of 4 or 5 on a regular basis to have them discuss issues and solve problems. Sometimes its just easier for shy people to talk in a much smaller group. I guess that what Im doing here also ties into the scaffolding discussion and the circle of voices (Brookfield, p 143). Lecturing Planning lectures and developing power points are an important part of teaching. In order for students to be able to learn they should not rely solely on the power points for their notes. Note taking is a valuable skill that students need to learn and keep throughout their college careers. Teachers should put key words on the power points and sometimes fun things that will get their attention. When planning a lecture an instructor should try to make sure that they use words that everyone understands and use everyday examples in them. I always make sure that Im asking the students questions as we go along to make sure they understand, even if its just What do you think or â€Å"Can you think of any examples of this? . It seems that teachers too often merely teach. They merely recite the information the student should know, expecting that the students are listening and taking notes. They do not stop to listen to whether or not the students are actually responding to anything that is being taught. And, conversely, what happens is that the teacher has no real response to teaching. As such, Brookfield illustrates how teachers can become aware of what they are doing, and approaching the entire endeavor of teaching from a responsive position. Brookfield offers suggestions to the reader for encouraging students to listen, for creating new ways to lecture that can get the students’ attention. Lecturing has often been a difficult part of teaching, as Brookfield indicates, due to the fact that learning habits instill in the student the belief that a lecture will be boring and will offer no sense of creative thought. As far as lecturing creatively, I read Chapter 6 (Lecturing Creatively) with great interest because I want to make sure that I am doing things in my classroom that work out best for my students. Brookfield stated that we need to be clear about why we lecture (p 99). Having been in classes where the lectures absolutely put you to sleep, I want to avoid this in my classes. I tell my students to look over the chapter(s) that we will be covering in class the next session, with the motive being open discussions. McKeachie (p 56) tells us to make sure we present up-to-date information, to summarize the material, adapt the material to the students, help the student read more effectively and to focus on key concepts or ideas. When lecturing, teachers should try to break the material down into language that the students understand and make it as concise as possible. Talking to the students and then asking questions to get them to try to discuss things seems to be a better way to try and get the information across to students. I always try to give them several examples of anything that I am trying to teach them (any new concepts). This opens the door for more discussion, especially as the semester continues and the students get more comfortable with the instructor and their classmates. Testing and Assessments  McKeachie (p 73, 74) discusses methods of assessment. He talks about being open to trying something different and I think that this will be beneficial to the students. History tells us that if a student fills their head with information that they will be asked to regurgitate on a test and it is not interesting to them, they will not retain this information any longer than necessary. Unfortunately some departments require that you administer tests in order to dole out a grade. In my case there are specific guidelines that are given, that we as instructors are supposed to teach and test on to meet certain criteria. Sometimes the information in a basic text book can be confusing if there is not any discussion that goes along with it. Giving students an opportunity to ask questions about what will be covered on the test and encouraging them to think about it for several days before the test so that they can get any questions answered is a method I use to get see what information the students know and do not know. I think that one of the most common methods for checking for understanding is tests or quizzes that we give our students. I like McKeachie’s (p 300) approach of having students paraphrase things for you. This is a method that I utilize quite. I don’t want to test my students to death because some students have test apprehension and I don’t want to stress them out by thinking, â€Å"Oh, no. Another test! † McKeachie also talked about not just knowing how to learn, but also wanting to learn and I believe that this is a major setback for some students. Unfortunately some students are in college because their parents told them they were going. You always see some students who appear to be very intelligent but just really don’t want to be in the classroom. Class Discussions. I think that Brookfields chapter on discussion (Chapter 7) had some good ideas. It can be very difficult to get students to participate in discussion, especially undergraduate students. There are always some students in a class that just really dont have any desire to participate in any form of discussion. Im not sure if this is because they are afraid that they might say the wrong thing or that it might generate a question that they arent able to answer. Brookfield (p117) said that if a teacher makes part of the grade participation that the students think that they have to be involved in discussion to meet this obligation. I dont know if that is what all teachers expect. I dont think that any student should be put on the spot with having to come up with some type of discussion if they dont feel led to. We, as instructors, never truly know why someone doesnt talk much in class. It might just be their nature that they dont talk much. Brookfield stated (p 134) that â€Å"some students are so shy and introverted that nothing short of therapeutic intervention will embolden them to speak†. They might be the type that listens all through the class to digest the information and then wants to talk about it at the next class session. Brookfield (p 134, 135) talks about students being worried about â€Å"looking stupid†. Teachers should be aware that this might be the reason that some students dont speak up as readily. Brookfield said that instructors should announce in the class that there are no stupid questions. This should be one of the first things that students are told every semester and it should be repeated several times throughout the semester. Brookfield (p 135) recommends putting together a panel of former students for a discussion with current students to help put them at ease and I believe this something that I can incorporate into my classes. Group Learning Teachers do not use the group learning system as much as they should. I tend to believe that students learn better from each other than they do the instructor most of the time. ODonnell (McKeachie, 192) stated it right when she said that â€Å"peer learning has the advantages of interaction with a peer† and this is extremely important for young people. It sometimes builds their confidence in the information that they know. Some of the students who are less vocal might actually open up to a peer and share what they know. As far as peer tutoring I think this is something that should be encouraged in  classes. I believe that if we were to set up groups with the students who do well and those that dont do so well (as far as tests are concerned) to have them study together that it would improve the grades because I think that the peers can sometimes get the idea across to students on a level they understand. Writing McKeachie (p 214) discussed the various types of low stakes writing and that the most obvious thing to do is ask students to write about is things they are comfortable with, casual things, just exploring a topic and to encourage the students not to struggle with this too much. Low stakes writing should help build confidence in students regarding their writing. This method of writing can be used in class or out of class. Out of class this writing could be a journal. I plan to use this method of low stakes writing in my classes by having them keep a journal, probably of humorous things that happen to them, because it will go along with one of the aspect of communication where I teach about short term and long term memory. High-stakes writing requires more on the part of the student, as well as the teacher. High stakes writing requires that the writing has to be good which involves research on the part of the writer. McKeachie (p 217) points out that most readers of his book are not trained as teachers of writers. I can relate to this because I teach oral communication but there are times when I require students to write research papers so I need to become more comfortable with this type of writing. As a student myself, I have experience in writing research papers where the instructor wanted me to do exactly what McKeachie said (217) â€Å"regurgitate material from textbooks or lecture†. I believe that for high stakes writing topic selection will be the key to how good the writing actually is. I like the idea of multiple papers and drafts because I believe that the only way for you to learn to write better is to get constructive criticism. Having the opportunity to turn a paper in early for constructive criticism in order to rewrite it makes for a better final paper. With todays technology our writing suffers greatly because we depend on our software to find all the mistakes, whether spelling or grammar. Unfortunately the software might not always recognize that a word is not the correct word and it definitely doesnt always find grammatical errors. The old standby method of printing things off and reading them line by line and then paragraph by paragraph is still the best way to proofread. Technology Brookfield’s Teaching Online (p 191) was interesting but I am not a huge fan of online classes. I prefer the human interaction that you get in the classroom. I think that Brookfield (p 195) was correct when he said that it is an advantage to take an online class before you teach one. Before instructors put together an online course they should keep the three core assumptions that are mentioned in mind: good teaching is whatever helps the student learn, good teaching is critically reflective and how students experience their learning. If the students dont learn anything from an online class then it is not worth it to take the class. If there is no interaction between students and instructors, just how much is it helping the student? A good online course should require a specific number of posts expected each week in order to create good discussion. The instructor may have to guide the discussions so that everyone participates. Brookfield talks about organizing the online course work and I think that this is very important. The instructor must put just as much work into organizing and keeping up with what the students are doing in an online class as they do in the classroom. How far technology is going to take us in education? Sometimes not being in the classroom is not always the best way to learn. In other classes we have talked about the millennium student who wants to stay in their dorm room or apartment and do all their classes on line. This can be a benefit to both instructor and student or it can be a detriment to both. The teacher doesnt need to lose the people skills that they have developed after time in the classroom. In times of inclement weather though this can definitely be an attribute since colleges dont have make-up days and generally the department expects you to get through a certain amount of information. Learning Facilitating active learning in a large class is something that instructors should take seriously. The idea of forming small groups and the think-pair-share method (McKeachie p 269) is a good thing to utilize in large groups. If we put the students into smaller groups where they can discuss the material they will get more out of it. It is virtually impossible for the instructor to get the point across to every student in a large class, but students tend to learn better from their peers, probably because they are not as afraid to ask questions in small groups as opposed to in front of the entire class. Having a goal as a student is very important to our career as a student. As instructors we need to help the students realize that they will benefit from each of the classes that they are taking in some way and at some point in their life. As an oral communications instructor I not only teach them how to communicate in the business world but also teach them how to communicate with friends, family and their significant others. Building their self confidence in the classroom will only help them in the long run in the â€Å"real world†. Conclusion Brookfield’s book is a very diverse book that approaches topics not adequately addressed by other books. It is a work that touches on some of the most basic aspects of teaching. It does not focus on the political realities of teaching, nor does it set out to illustrate how all other methods of teaching are wrong. It is a thoughtful book that treats the students and the teachers as individuals, not merely part of an institution. Of course, the opinions and perspectives presented are only those of this particular writer. In light of this the student should use the information presented as a tutorial to assist them in development of their own perspectives concerning Brookfield’s book. McKeachie’s â€Å"Teaching Tips† is a valuable guide book that no teacher should be without. All teachers should have a copy of this book before they ever teach their first class. While some students sell their books at the end of each semester, this is one book that should be kept for references, no matter what age student is being taught. This book covers many (if not all) things that will be encountered in the classroom. REFERENCES Brookfield, S. D. (2006). The Skillful Teacher on Technique, Trust and Responsiveness in the Classroom (2nd ed. ). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. McKeachie, W. J. Svinicki, M. (2011). McKeachie’s Teaching Tips (13th ed. ). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Karl Marx and the Ideal Society Essay -- capital communism freedom wor

Karl Marx and the Ideal Society One of the greatest debates of all time has been regarding the issue of the freedom of mankind. The one determining factor, for Marx, it that freedom is linked with class conflict. As a historian, Karl Marx traced the history of mankind by the ways in which the economy operated and the role of classes within the economy. For Marx, the biggest question that needed to be answered was â€Å"Who owns freedom?† With this in mind, Marx gives us a solution to both the issues of freedom and class conflict in his critique of capitalism and theory of communism, which is the ideal society for Marx. His theory of communism is based on the â€Å"ultimate end of human history† because there will be freedom for all humankind. Marx saw communism as the ideal society because it is "the genuine resolution of the conflict between man and man- the true resolution of the strife between existence and essence...between freedom and necessity" that capitalism fosters. Marx was also committed t o the notion that theory and action go hand in hand. Marx dismissed earlier thinkers because they (philosophers) "have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it." He also stated "Ideas cannot carry out anything at all. In order to carry out ideas men are needed who can exert practical force". However, Marx would have been appalled by the way his theory of communism was misused. It can be said, though, that Marx's theory of communism was clearly open for interpretation because he failed to offer "principles or guidelines of even the most general kind" for how the system of communism was to be fully established. It was this opportunity for interpretation that made Marx's theory of communism doomed for failure when it was used in practice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marx’s theory stems from the social conditions existing during his lifetime. This was when the industrial revolution was hitting its stride. Great technological advances were being made to the modes of production, especially in the areas of agriculture and textiles. This was the main factor that drove peasants from the countryside to find work in the cities. In addition, capitalism had emerged as the dominant form of economics. Marx contended that class is based upon the economic conditions of society. He identified class through the history of the changing modes of production. In a capital... ...leads to change. Marx certainly believed and documented this and based his theory of communism upon it. However, the gaps left in his theory have resulted in varying interpretation to what he originally envisioned. A society without class or state may very well have been achieved if his theory had given more direction as to the details for its establishment. Instead, Marx's theory has been twisted and rewritten to suit the interests of others. Perhaps the greatest problem with his theory "is that no one has tried it". Bibliography Bakunin: The Philosophy of Freedom, Brian Morris, Black Rose Books, 1993. Marxism and Class Theory, Frank Parkin, Columbia University Press, 1979. Marx: A Clear Guide, Edward Reiss, Pluto Press, 1997. Revolution and Counter-revolution in Germany, Frederick Engels, Foreign Languages Press, 1977. Capital, Karl Marx, Progress Publishers, 1971. German Ideology, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, International Publishers, 1996. European Democracies, Jurg Steiner, Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., 1998. The Outlook: Worker-Capitalists of the World Unite, Jacob M. Schlesinger, The Wall Street Journal, Monday, November 15,1999.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Demoiselles D’ Avignon Essay

During the 20th century the art form â€Å"Primitivism† was just taking shape. Any artist that wanted to paint in this style would look for inspiration from sculptures and masks of African and Polynesian origin (, 2007). Spain’s distance to Africa played a huge role on this art styles coming about. Paul Cezanne took this style and adapted it to his work. You could say that primitive art was deeply influenced by the works of Paul Cezanne. Cezanne was a French artist and Post-Impressionist painter whose work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th century conception of artistic endeavor to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century (, 2012). Pablo Picasso was one of those artists who were influenced by the works of Cezanne. You can see Cezanne’s influence in Picassos Demoiselles D’ Avignon. Through Picassos Demoiselles d’ Avignon he is able to reshape the art of the 20th century. Pablo Picasso w as born in 1881; he was a Spanish painter, draughtsman, and sculptor (, 2009). He is one of the most recognized figures in 20th-century art. Picasso is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and also for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work. Among his most famous paintings are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937), his portrayal of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War (, 2009). No painter had been as famous as Picasso leading up to the 20th century. To say that he is one of the best that ever lived is an understatement. During the early parts of the 20th century Picasso’s style varied as he experimented with different theories, techniques, and ideas. Picasso also mastered all aspects of late century realist technique (, 2009). Born to a father that was a painter Picasso was instilled with the tools and skills to succeed in art at a very early age. By the time he became the age of 14 Picasso had become an advanced student at the Barcelona Academy of fine Arts. Picasso’s art was like no other, you can see who he was influenced by but he always had his own twist. Picasso believed that the true meaning of art was to be derived from the works of other art, and not directly from nature (, 2008). Throughout his life his work was influenced by many different artists. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s and Paul Cezanne style of work can be seen in Picasso’s earlier work, during his â€Å"blue period† which lasted from (1901- 1904). After his â€Å"blue period was a period called the â€Å"rose period†. During which he painted harlequins and circus performers in a lighter and warmer color scheme, an underlying mood of spiritual loneliness and lyrical melancholy that marked his â€Å"blue† paintings was retained (, 2008). Picasso’s blue and rose periods vanished rather abruptly when he started the next phase of his career; both Picasso and Georges Braque began to lay the foundation of a new art form called cubism (, 2008). Cubism was the use of geometric shapes, interlocking planes. Astonished by the simplicity of pre-Christian Iberian bronzes and African sculpture, he and Braque began to work in a consciously primitive and monumental style that Picasso explored in sculpture as well as in painting (, 2008). He took these art forms combined them with the style that was first developed by Cezanne and produced Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (The Ladies of Avignon) was originally titled the Brothel of Avignon, was painted in 1907 Pablo Picasso. The painting is a portrait of five nude female prostitutes from a brothel in Barcelona. According to â€Å"Each figure is depicted in a disconcerting confrontational manner and none are conventionally feminine. The women appear as slightly menacing and rendered with angular and disjointed body shapes. Two are shown with African mask-like faces and three more with faces in the Iberian style of Picasso’s native Spain, giving them a savage aura† (, 2012). This portrait of Demoiselles was very controversial, because of that it led to wide anger and disagreement, even amongst his closest associates and friends (, 2012). When Picasso set out to paint this portrait I believe he wanted to make a statement. He could have painted anything; instead he chose to paint prostitutes. It wasn’t just the fact that painted these prostitutes it was also a big deal because of the manner and art form he chose to paint them in. Though this painting is controversial it opened the door for a new method of art style. When Picasso first began to sketch this painting he originally started the painting with men in it but by the end of the finished product he dropped the man and added the drapery in their place. The influence of â€Å"primitive art opened the door of to a radically new method of form and space (Kliener, 2006). When asked why he chose to portray the women the way he did Picasso said â€Å"I paint forms as I think them, not as I see them† (Kliener, 2006). Pablo Picasso had a tremendous influence on art. He is recognized as one of the most famous since Michelangelo. His work in pioneering Cubism established a set of pictorial problems, devices, and approaches, which remained important well into the 1950s (, 2012). Yes, cubism was there before Picasso decide to adapt the style but it wasn’t until he used the style in his own way did it really get the true recognition that it did. Picasso went through many stages in his career, from his works in the 1920s to his works in the 1940’s it took him to really put theses styles on the map. Pablo Picassos work lives on in many American artists. Taking a look at the artist Willem de Kooning and his work of monstrous women we will see him pay homage to the cubist women that were typically painted by Picasso. You will also see artist like Jackson Pollock reference Picasso by using bold black lines to outline figures in his work. Jasper Johns is a painter and sculptor, he is best known for his encaustic painting of flags and targets. Beside his works of flags and targets he also created dozens of works that incorporate elements directly from Picasso paintings – including nudes, mythical creatures, and portraits of women ( Pablo Picasso was a great artist, more like a jack of all trades. He was able to take art styles created by other people adapt it to his own style of work and make it amazing! He not only mad a claim on the people of his time but is still in some was very much alive in artist today. Picasso began his early work influenced by â€Å"primitivism† and â€Å"cubism† art and let the world influencing all the art of today. He not only mastered the works of artists before him and during his time he perfected it as well as opened the door for many different artists. Pablo Picasso had a huge influence on 20th century art. If we look at one of his most famous works of Les Demoiselles d’Avignon we will see how he was able to reshape the art of the 20th century. Referlles d’ Avignon. Retrieved from’Avignon

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

World History: Ancient Civilizations

Joseph Reyes 2-B World History Ancient Civilizations People have been on the earth for hundreds of years. They have come together to become the best of the best. Civilizations were ways to put humans in to an organized group and to survive the ways of nature. Two civilizations were successful and survived for a long time. Ancient Mesopotamia was a much different civilization then Egypt, but both were organized in a similar way. They both developed by setting up their government, controlling their environment, and their values. In Mesopotamia the priest was in charge of dividing the farmers into groups to farm and take care of the land.In Egypt the priests were in charge of making a record of their pharaohs and marking the most important happenings of their reigns. Mesopotamia used the Code of Hammurabi which was laws that concerned daily life, business, medicine, property, and family. It was based on an eye for an eye (revenge) and was to give justice for all. In Egypt the pharaoh wa s considered a god that ruled the Egyptians and had absolute power that made all the laws of the land and decisions. This is both civilizations form of government and was successful for years; some of those laws are still in modern day government.Egyptians used the Nile River which provided food and water, farming, and transportation of goods. This helps them in their survival for the fact that they were living in the middle of a desert. In Mesopotamia, they developed city-states which were around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. These rivers were a key in their survival; they used these rivers for food, transportation, as well as plants. The rivers created a Fertile Crescent which allowed farming in Mesopotamia, the Fertile Crescent were important it was surrounded by desert and anything outside of it can’t be farmed. Using heir environment was an important key factor for the survival of these two great civilizations. As I said earlier Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was a god and was one with the divine. The Egyptians (supposedly) built the pyramids for the pharaohs to be buried in after they died and along with all of his possessions. The Sumerians and Akkadians practiced polytheism which was the worship of many gods. They believed that keeping the gods happy was the key to happiness and prosperity. They built big temples called ziggurats which were supposed to link Earth with the heavens and link people with the gods.These were the beliefs of the civilizations and have shape humans in to believing in religion and God. All of this contributed to the success of the two civilizations. With their government controlling their actions and giving justice where needed. They also controlled their environment to use for their own advantage which allowed them to eat and use for transportation. Building great monuments for their beliefs and believing to obey all the rules of God as well. I believe all this contributed to the success of two giant civilizatio ns.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Marketing Environment of Tobacco in Australia

The Marketing Environment of Tobacco in Australia Australia is known globally due to its initiative in controlling the advertisement and promotion of tobacco. There has been always a controversy concerning how the tobacco and cigarette sellers should advertise their brands. To some extent, the advertisement of the cigarettes by some of the firms in Australia is questionable due to the influence the advertisement imposes to the non-smokers.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Marketing Environment of Tobacco in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some debates have been conducted to put some limitations on the brands of tobacco, and try to curb the consumption of the same. This essay paper will focus on the reaction of the customers concerning tobacco, and the marketing environment of tobacco in Australia. The costs of smoking are also discussed. On the other hand, the cigarette-manufacturing firms in Australia try to fight for their rights of marketing th eir products, although there are some public sectors that go against the issue. If customers are not informed correctly about the product, they may fail to make informed decisions concerning what they are purchasing. Just like any firm that advertises its products, it is the right of tobacco manufacturers to advertise their products and inform their customers on the available products in the market. Customers react differently concerning the brand advertisement, hence affecting their choice of purchasing the same. The major aspect in marketing is about increment, and concentrating less in dramatic changes in consumers’ behavior. The central government of Australia is working tirelessly to remove even the slightest influence on the packaging of the cigarette. The government is trying to work on this by reducing the amount of branding on a packaging. The main reason that made the Australian government to work on reducing the use of cigarettes was the reason behind the fact that in 1945, 72% of Australian men were smokers. This big percentage was because of the idea that smoking was accepted and an important part of Australian culture. After the interaction of the central government to the issue of smoking, the percentage of the smokers currently has reduced to 17% of the adults in Australia.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Severally, the government of Australia has tried to ban the advertising of cigarettes especially its crucial initiative it showed in 1976. Since this important initiative, the advertising and smoking of cigarettes in Australia has been regulated. This action made a great step of moving from normalization of smoking to normalization of non-smoking. Customers’ behaviors are prone to so many changes depending on the forces in the market. Marketing of the brand in the market have a great influence on the custom ers’ behavior. Marketing provides awareness and influences the attitude of customers in purchasing a certain products or brands. Consumers are always willing to change their behaviors, especially as much as products such as cigarettes are concerned. For instance, there are those customers who get the information concerning the risks of smoking, and they show willingness to quit smoking. To some extent, customer’s behavior towards cigarettes depends on the perception of an individual. There are those who believe that smoking is bad and those who believe it is all right. Other factors may influence consumers’ behaviors. For instance, the idea of Australian government to introduce plain packaging of cigarettes may have a great influence on consumers’ behavior. The government is proposing the cigarettes packet to be plain, with a graphic health warning, with just a small brand written in font type. The cigarette stick is proposed to be olive green in color, a nd the gold band removed. This action by the federal government of Australia is meant to reduce the desire among the young people, who are mostly the smokers. The government is aiming at influencing the behaviors of the consumers. According to the research done by specialists, it shows that modifying the graphic warning picture to be more visible, and reducing the number and size of the brand elements, will influence the behavior of the young people to quit smoking or never take it up.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Marketing Environment of Tobacco in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The color of the packet and the cigarette stick has also great influence on these young peoples behavior. The use of a revolting color and very visible big health warnings on the packet may influence the consumers not to purchase the product. On the other hand, there are those hard-core smokers who will never change their behaviors no matter what. Mostly, the smokers who are above 50 years will be hard to change their behaviors. Even if the government changes the brand on the packet, these old smokers will never change their behaviors. Age is a factor as far as the consumer behaviors are concerned, young consumers are likely to change their behaviors depending on the information they are getting about the product. For the old consumers it would be hard to convince them about changing their behaviors. The type of information that consumers receive concerning the product has a great influence on their decision making processes. The health-warning graphic on the packet of the cigarettes as proposed by the Australian government may influence the behaviors of the customers a great deal, marking a big percentage quitting smoking. The second determinant of the consumer behavior is the price. As the government of Australia is proposing of an increased price per packet of cigarettes, this may discourage the consumers from buying and smoking. Another aspect of pricing that may change the consumers behavior is application of price discrimination to the group of people who are known to smoke heavily. Availing the product to the customer at the right time and place may change his behavior to the positive side and even smoke more. If the product is not available whenever the consumer needs it, he or she may develop some negative attitude towards it. Moreover, anything to do with promoting and advertising the product is very influential to the consumers’ behavior . Consumers develop more trust when they see their products being promoted and advertised regularly in the media.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The efforts of the federal government of Australia to curb the advertisement and promotion services of tobacco products may change the consumers’ behavior. Instead of advertising, the media should be giving the public the information concerning the risks of smoking as well as displaying the health warning graphics. What influenced the government of Australia to have a great urge of discouraging smoking were the long-term health costs. Starting with the increased cases of premature deaths and disability because of smoking made the government to make a move towards discouraging smoking. Something else that cost the government a lot of money are the chronic diseases caused by smoking. Such complications included lung cancer, a cause of many deaths in Australia, diabetes, and other life threatening diseases. According to the data that was collected in 2008, it revealed that Australia incurred a social cost worth 31.5 billion dollars because of cases of tobacco smoking . Other cos ts that were realized are the many lost working hours when people leave their chairs and excuse themselves to go and smoke. That study done in 2008 in Australia revealed so many things that categorized smoking as a very costly thing . It was evident that approximately 1256 deaths had occurred because of smoking related complications, and the country incurred hospital costs of 59.8 million dollars that was meant to cater for the hospitalized patients. The worst part of the study was the fact that out of 1256 deaths, 11 of them were because of passive smoking. Through passive smoking, the country incurred a cost of 5.9million dollars. More than 95% of the total cost that the country incurred because of passive smoking was for very young patients ranging between 0-14 years old. This finding proved to the government that the future of Australia is at great risk if it would continue loosing people at that rate. Due to many types of illnesses that people were suffering because of smoking, the productivity in the workforce and even in the household sectors was affected a great deal decreasing with approximately 400million dollars. Another cost that the country had to bare was about the fires caused by smoking, which was estimated to be approximately 16million dollars. All these costs made the government of Australia to realize that it is loosing a lot of money because of smoking to an extent of affecting the whole economy. Loss of young and energetic people in the country was also alarming, as the country was to be left with very old and very young people with lower productivity. Bibliography Australian Medical Association, (2003), The medical journal of Australia, Tobacco , 56- 79. Collins, D., Lapsley, H. (2004), The costs of tobacco, alcohol illicit drug abuse to  Australian society, Canberra: Department of Health Aging. Hammond, D., Parkinson, C. (2009), The impact of cigarette package design on perception of risk, Journal of Public Health , 343-353. Hoek, J., Gendall, P., Louviere, J. (2010), Effects oof Dissuasive Packaging on young  adult smokers tobacco control, New York: Cengage Learning. Llewellyn, M., Mylne, L. (2009), Australia for Dummies, Tadan: Publisher for Dummies. Miller, F., Vandome, A. (2010), Smoking Bans in Australia, New York: VDM Publishing House Ltd. Tyrrell, I. (2002), Deadly enemies: tobacco and its opponents in Australia, Michigan: UNSW Press. Wakefield, M., Horan, J., Cummings, K. (2002), The cigarette Pack as Image: New evidence from tobacco industry documents, Tobacco Control , 73-80.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Galvanic or Voltaic Cell Definition

Galvanic or Voltaic Cell Definition A galvanic cell is a cell where chemical reactions between dissimilar conductors connected through an electrolyte and a salt bridge produce electric energy. A galvanic cell can also be powered by spontaneous oxidation-reduction reactions. Essentially, a galvanic cell channels the electrical energy produced by the electron transfer in a redox reaction. The electrical energy or current may be sent to a circuit, such as in a television or light bulb. The electrode of the oxidation half-cell is the anode (-), while the electrode of the reduction half-cell is the cathode (). The mnemonic The Red Cat Ate an Ox may be used to help remember reduction occurs at the cathode and oxidation occurs at the anode. A galvanic cell is also called a  Daniel cell or a voltaic cell. How to Set Up a Galvanic Cell There are two main setups for a galvanic cell. In both cases, the oxidation and reduction half-reactions are separated and connected via a wire, which forces electrons to flow through the wire. In one setup, the half-reactions are connected using a porous disk. In the other setup, the half-reactions are connected via a salt bridge. The purpose of the porous disk or salt bridge is to allow ions to flow between the half-reactions without much mixing of the solutions. This maintains charge neutrality of the solutions. The transfer of electrons from the oxidation half-cell to the reduction half-cell leads to a buildup of negative charge in the reduction half-cell and of positive charge in the oxidation half-cell. If there were no way for ions to flow between the solution, this charge build-up would oppose and half the electron flow between the anode and cathode.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Steps to Creating a Great Personal Brand

7 Steps to Creating a Great Personal Brand Whether you’re selling products or your own services, it’s important to cultivate your own brand, consistent across your online presence. Your brand creates the image of you and your work that you want out in the world. Still confused? Here are a few no-nonsense strategies for building your brand online.1. Make it pretty.The first thing you’ll need to think about is the visual. You won’t necessarily need a professional logo design, but you’ll want to think about colors, illustrations, fonts, and icons that you’ll use and how they support what’s most meaningful about your brand. Try to keep all these details consistent across all your media platforms.2. Keep it organized.No matter how gorgeous your website is, it’s not really well designed unless it’s user-friendly and easy to navigate. Don’t make a boring version of a cookie-cutter template, but try to make sure your bells and whistles aren’t interfering wit h lots of different users learning more about what you do.3. Stay simple.Brevity is the soul of wit, after all. You might have a real wealth of information to share, but try to keep your content lean and mean. Make your sentences do triple work to get your message across in as little space as possible.4. Make it personal.Don’t just use stock photos or withhold any photos of you on your sites. Unique images and personal flourishes and detail can go a long way towards making people feel connected to your story and your brand.5. Find your voice.You want to not only be yourself, but the best version of yourself. Whether you’ll be speaking to your audience through words or images, figure out an authentic way to communicate that’s succinct and charming and will make people interested in what you have to offer. Be authentic and real and show and let whatever makes you unique shine through.6. Your work should speak for itself.Showcase whatever you are trying to promote- first and foremost. Make whatever you do obvious within the first few seconds of someone visiting your site.7. Make a statement.To make a vibrant and useful personal brand statement, you’ll want to answer a few questions first. What are you most passionate/care most deeply about? What top three attributes define how you get things done? What are your top 3 strengths and skills? And, finally: What differentiates you from your competition? What do you have going for you that no one else can offer? Use your answers to these questions to fashion a personal brand statement for yourself. Put this on your site.Put the time into crafting your brand and then it will speak and work for you!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Time Traveling, Art Historian Book Chapters - Roman Paintings Essay

Time Traveling, Art Historian Book Chapters - Roman Paintings - Essay Example The essay "Time Traveling, Art Historian Book Chapters - Roman Paintings" explores the Roman Paintings. From observing the living conditions of the people, it was very clear that they used paintings as more than just dà ©cor hanging on a wall. Their domestic conditions and living scenarios were very claustrophobic. Most of the dwellings were windowless, dingy and dark. In an attempt to right this, and to visually brighten up their rooms, the Romans painted in scientific ways that helped brighten up their homes. This included the fresco technique of painting and other forms. It wasn’t unusual to walk in to a room painted with the brightest of hues, or a wall that was divided into â€Å"multiple rectangular areas like the tic-tac-toe design†. Multi-point and trompe-l’oeil effects were also widespread in Rome. In my escapades of Rome I was lucky enough to witness the preparation and painting of a Fresco! It was a highly complex process, but the result was beautiful . Preparation involved firstly applying a few coats of mortar – a mixture of lime and sand, which was â€Å"followed by a few coats of lime and finely powdered marble†. The next step involved the application of coloured pigments to make the designs on the still-damp wall, followed by application of tempera and liquid wax after the wall dried. In the late nineteenth century, four styles of painting were identified and I was very lucky to have been able to observe them all in my visit to Rome. Incrustation was the first style which I witnessed as being ‘originated.... Incrustation was the first style which I witnessed as being ‘originated in the early 2nd century BC’. (â€Å"Roman Painting†, 2009). When viewed, I was strongly reminded of marble veneering. The painted decoration is very similar to slabs of coloured marble. A great example of this style is the Samnite House in Herculaneum. Observing this piece, I could only imagine how this style manages to represent the cultural aspirations of the middle class of the time. The second style, which was developed almost a century later, allowed the â€Å"opening up the wall by allowing illusions of windows and porticos†, therefore giving one a distinct feeling of looking out at imaginary sceneries. (â€Å"Roman Painting†, 2009). Gazing upon samples of this type, such as the Odyssey paintings from a Roman House currently in the Vatican, I couldn’t help but be immersed and lost in sceneries so beautiful, that it was hard to believe they were not really there. The third style is Ornamental. This was probably the first picture gallery, as the style focused on closing up walls to create said effect. As I wandered through rooms, I noticed typically, a large central piece that was surrounded by a smaller picture on each side. The fourth style seems to have been named for paintings many decades later. It is a heterogeneous style that incorporates bits from each of the previous ones. (â€Å"Roman Painting†, 2009) Chapter 2: Islamic Art of Ornamentation After Rome, and the amazing paintings I had been lucky to witness, I decided it was time for another great civilization – Islam. I wanted to witness something different†¦ something beautiful and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Reagan Revolution Through President Obama Essay

Reagan Revolution Through President Obama - Essay Example (Council of economic advisors, 2010, p.50) Even before he took office a change could be seen in the perspective of the whites regarding African-Americans. Research has shown that 22 percent of Americans view Obama as an exemplary figure when they think of African-Americans. If Obama administration continues to be successful then he can activate positive feelings in majority of people regarding the blacks (The Obama effect†¦., 2009). Overturning the Reagan Revolution Barack Obama in his inaugural speech pronounced that he would use old and traditional values to effect progressive changes. His approach towards politics would carry a sense of mature collective responsibility instead of the juvenile approach of individualism. He would uphold the democratic role of the US government and would continue to maintain the leadership position of the country in the global front. Obama has defended the traditional values like â€Å"honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism†. With this he has broken the established values of Reagan era. Obama has emphasized on the effectiveness of the government over its size thus overturning the Reagan revolution (Dionne, 2009). Impact With advocating the values â€Å"tolerance and curiosity† Obama has actually supported the concept of innovations by those who are determined to take risks. Obama as president believes in stressing on the security of the nation as he thinks that â€Å"power alone cannot protect†. He stressed on regulations on the market to keep it under control. His aim is to promote equality as according to him â€Å"the nation cannot prosper when it favours only the prosperous†. (Dionne, 2009) Impact of 1980s AIDS epidemic American life is largely a manifestation of religious... This report approves that the US war against Afghanistan was essentially illegal because it did not abide by the international law on war. According to the law when one nation makes armed attack on another nation, only then the attacked nation can use military aggression for defense. In this case Afghanistan did not attack since the 19 convicted men were not Afghans. Also permission from UN Security Council is needed to start a war and in this case the council did not permit the war. However there were some moral rationales behind the war. An international poll revealed that many people from all over the world took an unfavorable view on America especially on Bush. When people were asked who they think is a threat to world peace United States got more votes than al-Qaeda terrorist group. More people felt that America is more dangerous than countries like Iran and Syria. The poll also revealed negative views of people on America’s war on terrorism in the Middle East. This paper makes a conclusion that the continuous economic depression has created disparities within the American society thus threatening its position as superpower in the global arena. Although it has always been a land of unlimited opportunities but the success has become fragile. If there is no fast solution for overcoming the economic downfall, then the global economy is at stake. The growing disparity between the rich and the poor violates the core image of the United States.

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Proposal - Essay Example This study therefore intends to study the factors that serve as barriers to communication between the universities in the developing countries, which ultimately adversely affects knowledge and information publications from such institutions. The study will rely on qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the factors in order to establish the level to which the specific factors serve as hindrances to effective communication between the universities in the developing countries. Besides studying the particular factors that negatively affect the communication processes between the universities in third world countries, this study focuses at proposing possible recommendations that would be effective in addressing the challenges and the accompanying effects. Background literature Inaccessibility or difficulties in sharing and accessing research information in developing countries have had great attention in the past and it is widely accepted that universities in such countries have poor frameworks to enhance the sharing of information, which is a critical factor to consider in education development (Torero and Braun, 1-4). Burnett argues that despite the many problems that developing countries such as many of African countries face are continued problems in sanitation, poverty, high illiteracy levels as well as limited opportunities of education among others. However, through a qualitative study, he reasons that the most efficient way to address such problems as they face the countries is not through donor aid but rather through educational empowerment of such countries. He points out that the long-term effect of enabling easy flow of information as well as knowledge in the institutions of learning is creation of empowered workforce through education and skills, which would be useful in shaping the course of the nations. The sharing of knowledge and information between the developing countries enable them to find appropriate solutions to their own problems. This is therefore the importance of enhancing information sharing especially within the research institutions such as the universities. The study affirms that many of the third world countries are gradually acknowledging the importance of development of formal cannels for sharing information especially concerning higher education information (Burnett, 1-10). A report by Hennessy and team presents the comprehensive findings from literature review by Aga Khan University and other institutions in East Africa confirms the importance of ICT in the entire system of education with special attention to higher education. Among other findings from the literature reviewed was that incorporation of ICT in education institutions would facilitate aids I establishing e-learning resources, which in actual sense would ease the mechanism of sharing of information from one institution to another. ICT is a critical instrument that has been exploited by developed countries to enhance sharing of information as well as the e-learning resources and as such has been proven effective concerning the exchange of information

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Careers in accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Careers in accounting - Assignment Example Information prepared is for internal use not general public. Helps organization’s plan the cost of doing business, work on budgeting and performance evaluation. Most researched accounting position is accountant, both in public/private sectors. Skills required for success in accounting that will not only increase ones job satisfaction but build towards long term career goals include the following; Organization; being organized is a way of demonstrating to fellow workers/supervisors /managers that you are reliable/competent /able to get a job done. For good accountant one needs to have a system to keep track of those responsibilities they manage to ensure that they fulfill all duties to the best of ability. Tools like calendars, day planners can be used. Time management; good time management skills are needs to effectively budget their time to be able to manage their workload. Should be able to manage competing priorities while completing everything in time. This therefore aids in healthy work/life balance. Adaptability; since accounting industry is dynamic, one who is able to adapt quickly have an added advantage over others an d able to embrace should focus on their strengths and use in tight situations. Communication skills; strong communication skills are extremely communicate well in writing and in person will help you get a job, work as a team with co-workers, interact with clients. Good interpersonal skills vital for networking. Leadership; one needs to balance being a role model and person in charge while still being part of a accounting, leadership skills include long term planning and strategic thinking thus ability to look ahead is key.leardership involves being visionary-making decisions that involves creativity. How the researched accounting position can add value to the company, seeking candidate; the accountant is able

Hurricane Katrina Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Hurricane Katrina - Essay Example cane Katrina is discussable; however, an aspect that remains critical in the minds of individuals who survived the disaster is that, despite the measures taken as preventive strategies, such did little in offering preventive measures during the occurrence of the deadliest and most destructive Hurricane Katrina (Nova). New Orleans is one region that underwent significant destruction from the devastating actions of Hurricane Katrina. The region saw the effects of the Hurricane Katrina cause deaths of approximately 1,500 individuals with another hundreds of thousands left without residential areas after the violent storm surges caused by Katrina breached levees leaving behind it about 80 percent of the city submerged below water (Nova). Despite such destructions, New Orleans city remains very vulnerable to flooding, raising fear among residents that in a repeat of a similar disaster, equal destruction will be witnessed as previously seen. The main reasons in support of the increased vulnerability of New Orleans city to flooding is the element of low elevation in comparison to the sea levels. Secondly, the city lacks the appropriate preventive mechanics against storm surges such as wetlands and barrier islands, which have proved worthwhile in other regions towards the prevention of increased flooding (Frontline). Human activity has significantly contributed towards the damage of the city. In creating room for expansion during its construction, swamplands were drained around the sea in creating a room for more expansion, which interfered with the wetlands available for preventing flooding (Nova). Such drained resulted into subsidence of the city land to a level 6 feet below the sea level. In preparation for the Hurricane Katrina, scientists and city officials developed the levee system as a means of replacing the natural protection that had previous been destroyed. In addition to such preparations, scientists also published a number of warnings informing city

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Careers in accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Careers in accounting - Assignment Example Information prepared is for internal use not general public. Helps organization’s plan the cost of doing business, work on budgeting and performance evaluation. Most researched accounting position is accountant, both in public/private sectors. Skills required for success in accounting that will not only increase ones job satisfaction but build towards long term career goals include the following; Organization; being organized is a way of demonstrating to fellow workers/supervisors /managers that you are reliable/competent /able to get a job done. For good accountant one needs to have a system to keep track of those responsibilities they manage to ensure that they fulfill all duties to the best of ability. Tools like calendars, day planners can be used. Time management; good time management skills are needs to effectively budget their time to be able to manage their workload. Should be able to manage competing priorities while completing everything in time. This therefore aids in healthy work/life balance. Adaptability; since accounting industry is dynamic, one who is able to adapt quickly have an added advantage over others an d able to embrace should focus on their strengths and use in tight situations. Communication skills; strong communication skills are extremely communicate well in writing and in person will help you get a job, work as a team with co-workers, interact with clients. Good interpersonal skills vital for networking. Leadership; one needs to balance being a role model and person in charge while still being part of a accounting, leadership skills include long term planning and strategic thinking thus ability to look ahead is key.leardership involves being visionary-making decisions that involves creativity. How the researched accounting position can add value to the company, seeking candidate; the accountant is able

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Genetic Engineering of Crops Technology Research Paper

Genetic Engineering of Crops Technology - Research Paper Example In some cases, GM crops may yield entirely new products that are not normally derived from traditional crops such as medicines (Berg & Mertz, 2010). Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is found in all living things. It is a complex self-replicating molecule used by cells to pass hereditary characteristics or traits from generation to generation. It carries information that an organism needs to make protein molecules - the structural and functional constituents of the cell. Proteins are long chains composed of smaller molecules called amino acids. There are 20 different kinds of amino acids that determine how the protein will work in the cell, the structure it will take or the job it will do. DNA is the blueprint that determines the order of amino acids for any given protein. DNA differs with each species (British Medical Association, 1999). Genes that are moved from one species to another are called transgenes. Crop varieties can be created by transgenic engineering, which is the deliberate human introduction of a gene from one species, modified crops or GM crops. Although this module focuses on modifying agriculturally important plants, the principles are the same in relation to both animal husbandry and medicine, to others which are often referred to as genetically (Donnellan, 2004). Herbicides and insecticides are expensive, can pollute both the air and water and may also have negative health effects on those who apply them or work around them. In many less developed countries, the lack of safety equipment and training often results in serious health injuries and environmental degradation linked to the use of agricultural chemicals. It is the benefit to all to reduce pesticide and herbicide use (James, 2008). Farmers often rotate crops in fields, periodically sowing plants such as alfalfa that is associated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their roots.  GM technology is heavily covered by patents. Perceived intellectual property issues create an impression of a barrier to technology transfer. There is an urgent need for more informed policy debate about the role of intellectual property rights in biotechnology and technology transfer.  

Monday, October 14, 2019

American History Essay Example for Free

American History Essay The civil war, according to President Abraham Lincoln, was not really fought to end the prolonged existence of slavery in the United States. The American Civil War was fought to preserve the Union and safeguard the interest of the American people but not of the slaves. Lincoln, who was not an absolute abolitionist himself, believe that the slaves should be free gradually and not on a one time big time basis. But as the civil war became lengthy, Lincoln and his administration has made colossal changes to the original plan and had to issue an Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves in the Confederacy. This action was well thought of Lincoln. When the congress has passed the Second Confiscation Act on July 17, 1862, Lincoln was prompted to respond. The Second Confiscation Act entailed that all slaves of everyone in rebellion to the United States were declared free. The act from the congress was not only what impelled Lincoln to act but also the peoples’ growing aversion of slavery. Lincoln has read his drafted â€Å"Preliminary Proclamation† to Secretary of State William H. Seward and Secretary of Navy Gideon Welles. Both were overwhelmed and were unable to respond quickly. On July 22, Lincoln discussed the matter to his cabinet and has received a lot of mix reactions but majority of the cabinet approved of the proclamation. Yet, it was only a consultation. The cabinet reviewed the contexts on September 22 and Lincoln has composed the final Emancipation Proclamation on New Year’s Day of 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation pronounced that â€Å"all slaves within any states or on a designated part of a State whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, henceforward, and forever free†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The Emancipation Proclamation guaranteed freedom only of those slaves in the states not in the jurisdiction of the Union. Lincoln’s Secretary of State William H. Seward has criticized the irony of the emancipation. Seward pointed out that the Union might have been sympathetic to slavery by freeing the slaves on the states uncontrolled by the Union but holding them in servitude in places possible to be freed by the government. Lincoln has known this but he did not want to irritate the slaveholders in the Union. Moreover, the Emancipation Proclamation would have not been easily released if it were not a war necessity. The Union saw its last resort on freeing the slave to increase its army and to antagonize the farms and the industries in the South. The proclamation was not sympathy to the slaves but a remedy to the unending war. Yet, the Emancipation Proclamation was one of the greatest victories of the Lincoln administration and of American democracy. It has also stressed that the war is not all about preserving the Union but also on the pressing need to abolish slavery. It was also the foundation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which forever end slavery in the United States. On the other hand, after the Emancipation Proclamation the war did not ended soon. Many critics of the Lincoln administration supposed that the proclamation has only worsened the situation. The Union was still deficient of soldiers. Lincoln was prompted to create solutions by issuing the Enrollment Act of Conscription on March 3, 1863, which agitated many Northerners. The Union at the early stage of the war has relied on volunteerism but fewer men wanted to enlist. The Conscription Act imposed military duty to every capable man of 20 to 45 years old. Yet those who can find a substitute or pay $300 could be exempted from the draft. This exemption has angered the poor. Leslie M. Harris (2003) reported that antiwar newspaper in New York began criticizing the draft law citing the government’s interference on local affairs on behalf of the â€Å"nigger war. †The most unruly response to the act happened in New York City when unruly mobs appeared on July 11, 1963 when the draft took effect. Even though New York politicians have been very supportive of the Emancipation Proclamation, New Yorkers were divided on their stance towards the proclamation. Likewise, the mob consisted mostly of the poor Irish and German immigrants who lived on New York’s slum area. Irish and German immigrants in New York were told to prepare for the emancipated slaves who will flee to the North and would seek job. The immigrants did not think it was necessary for them to fight and they also have bigotry towards the African-American because they were usually their competitors to lowest-paying jobs. Yet, the main problem arose when the mob started to create commotions on the city. The first targets of the mob include military and government building, which instituted the inequitable draft. But after a while, the mob targeted the black people. First, they assaulted a black vendor and a nine year-old boy before burning to ashes the Colored Orphan Asylum on Fifth Avenue between Forty-Third and Forty-Fourth Streets. Luckily, no child was hurt in the attack. However, the mob has continued to attack Black people and sometimes killing them. Harris (2003) further reported that the mob singled out men for special violence. William Jones, a black man was hanged and his body burned afterward. Some group white men were even cheering when they kill William Williams, a black sailor, shouting: vengeance on every nigger in New York. The mayhem which lasted five days forced hundreds of Blacks to leave the city. Yet, not every Irish were sympathetic to the mob. There were reported cases were Irishmen helped black men. Irish neighbors of Philip White, a black drugstore owner at the corner of Gold and Frankfurt Street, help drove the mob away because White has been a good neighbor and creditor. However, this interracial cooperation was very least as compared to the havoc against the black people. However, the Union Army stationed at the Potomac were able to pacify the rioters and restore order in the city however they remained encamped around the city for several weeks. The Emancipation Proclamation and the Draft Riots embodied the bearing of the people during the Civil War. Though, only was a war measure, the Emancipation Proclamation was a great demonstration of democracy. The Draft Riots proved that not every person has the heart to fight for the Union and not everyone was in favor of the Emancipation. However, though Washington Times wrote, â€Å"The nation is at this time in a state of Revolution, North, South, East, and West, those who believed in the restoration of the Union and the rule of law never gave up hope but fought for what they believe was right. The New York Draft Riots, the Civil War and all its casualties were the price paid by the United States in order to protect and defend the Constitution, its people and those unalienable rights that were bestowed to each citizen which are â€Å"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. † References Harris, L. M. (2003). In the Shadow of Slavery: African Americans in New York City, 1626-1863. Chicago: University of Chicago. Smith, A. I. , (2007). The American civil war. Macmillan: New York.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Implementation of the data gloves in various fields

Implementation of the data gloves in various fields Introduction This project is all about interfaces that are going to control the synthesiser called Midi. This project is useful in the real world in controlling visual effects in the present world. These Visual effects are kind of methods, practices and technologies relating to creation and manipulation of elements within moving images to elicit a desired emotional response. They often involve the integration of Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) and live-action footage to create realistic environments however it would be dangerous, costly and not easily accessible to the real life. In general these visual effects are controlled by the standard input devices like mouse, joystick, track balls, light pens, keyboards, however there are many virtual interfaces developed to interact the visual effects other than mouse, which is nothing but the Data Gloves. These interfaces are used in live concerts, DJs, medical applications, robotics, biomechanics, deaf and speech impaired community as a communication tool, 3d virtual design etc to make their life easier. Just with the few motions they could interact, control, and compose the music as they wish in a much improvised way. This way of interaction reduces the interface bottleneck between the artists and the music. This system also supports multiple artists to simultaneously control the audio. This interface prototype is built upon standard virtual reality software and user interface technology. Data gloves are used to manipulate audio objects and stereoscopic projection to display the virtual 3D sound stage. The aim of this project is to research on these virtual reality interfaces and control synthesisers. So I would conclude as, to make things easier and to improve the latest technologies we are going to find out how the interfaces and the synthesisers work to increase its real life applications by overcoming the difficulties and drawbacks. AIMS Aims of this project is to research on ongoing virtual reality interfaces i.e. P5 gloves which are nothing but Data gloves and its application in the real life .Data gloves can be defined as an inventive, glove like peripheral device which is based upon patented bend sensor and remote tracking technologies, that provide users total instinctive interaction 3d and virtual environments, such as games, websites and educational softwares. These kind of latest technologies are going to make our life easy. In this project we worked on p5 gloves, Glove pie programs and finally controlled MIDI music and audio files using data gloves. In earlier days musicians believed in human capabilities, so they struggled very hard to compose music and to manage live concerts as there was no effective mean source to implement to make their performances realistic and impressive .However they failed as its tough to play many instruments at a time so to overcome this they started operating computers for vario us purposes like multi tasking and to save time. However most of the times they failed in coordinating and synchronizing more number of computers at a time. Due to the complications in their musical life they started using virtual reality interfaces to create imaginative interactive environments that seems to be in the three dimensional real space and to achieve aesthetic effects. In this project we had overcome the problems they faced earlier and exploded more improvised technology to get better output, robustness and versatility. The goal of the project is to control the Midi, virtual and real world applications according to the user. This project is beneficial to musicians, animators, doctors, scientists and many more One sentence. OBJECTIVES The objective is to successfully study about the implementation of the data gloves in various fields like music, medicine, animation, education once it is well known ,have to start exploding on this because it is not going to be the end it is an ongoing music and performance art project and moreover it is not limited to particular settings. This project on novel interfaces is definitely going to help academic field as synchronizing the machines is an ongoing issue everywhere and its going to ease the teaching field because by producing dynamic 3D images or the environment we can make students understand the subject well, because practical knowledge is more important than theoretical knowledge. And I believe this is the correct time to work on this project to overcome the present issues as we can benefit more from this device. Because we have already started enjoying its benefits and this is an opportunity to overcome the drawbacks. Features of glove To produce outputs Identify Features controlling Identify all the drivers to consider for the software and configure Limitations and advantages DELIVERABLES To deliver the objectives of the project we need Data gloves to research with, Midi device, Midi software, visual jockey software, Glove pie programs. P5 midi allows controlling synthesizers and other midi programs using the movement of hand by converting the p5 gloves from essential reality into a Midi controller. P5 not only translates all the information i.e. coming from the p5 glove sensors into Midi messages but also helps us to choose the Midi port and Midi messages. This P5 glove can act as an interface between the computer and Midi or a game console. It easily fits over the hand and senses all its movements in three dimensions. It captures finger bends and relative hand position that enables intuitive interaction with three dimensional environments. It has got 6 degrees of tracking(X, Y, Z, YAW, PITCH and ROLL) with optical tracking technology, bend sensor, anti reflective lens to provide true to life mobility, infrared control receptor with scratch-resistant, and anti reflec tive lens to provide. Midi is an acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface which is defined as a music industry standard communications protocol which lets Midi instruments and sequencers talk to each other to play and record music. SCOPE In this project we worked on how we can make use of data glove using its various programs and how we can manipulate Midi files using Data gloves, however we are not bothered about how it is going to work in the other real time applications such as medical, virtual reality etc. We concentrated on how we can change the movements of the data gloves by using various factors however we never worked how it is going to work in the real time musical field as we have not tried to test it before any one. To show how dg can control data s/w And piece Chapter 2 PROBLEM STATEMENT RATIONALE FOR THIS THESIS In real life controlling a video on the personal computer using software can be done by the input device called mouse however a greater visual impact to the performer is given by the use of Data Gloves instead of mouse. And the synthesiser used is Midi keyboard which was designed for music input. In particular, Midi keyboard is a very good tool for controlling a large number of instruments in a real time animation system. In this project we had faced compatibility issues while testing the Data Gloves functionality. However we had overcome them using the other alternatives and achieved the outcome on time. PERCEIVED BENEFITS Recently Computer has made it possible to manipulate and operate larger and larger amounts of information, however humans are cognitively ill-suited for understanding the resulting complexity. All the information is readily available; however users are failed in accessing individual items or maintaining a global context of how the information fits together efficiently. Recent studies in virtual reality using Data Gloves technology suggest that encoding subsets of the information using multimedia techniques and placing the resultant visualizations into a perceptual three-dimensional space will increase the amount of information that people can meaningfully manage. Data glove plays a very important role in recognizing hand gestures (which is a complicated task as they are just temporal sequences of hand configurations) and in three dimensional animations. Data glove interaction improves flexibility, usability, and re-usability of 3-D environment applications because * It can be easily encapsulated to a variety of applications. * Can be used for both two dimensional and three dimensional even though the gesture methods are likely to be moderately different for both areas * It imposes easy navigation, navigation * Makes the techniques easily available for variety of users like adults, occasional users, professionals, naive users and children. Application areas of the Data Gloves are: * Virtual reality applications * Planning systems * Computer supported teaching (teaching), and self learning. * Music applications. * CAD architecture and design. * Test and simulation systems. * Scientific modelling As Midi is a hardware specification and standardised control language that makes it possible for electronic instruments processor controllers, and other device types to communicate control and performance related data in real world. It helps the beginning aspiring artists, musicians, composers or who are working professional because the Midi workstation can also act as a portable all in one keyboard instrument that includes a polyphonic synthesiser, built-in sequencers, integrated keyboard, percussion sounds, and audio recording capabilities in a single hardware package. Midi has become an indispensible live performance tool for many musicians because of its ability to serialise background parts and rhythm in advance, chain them together into a single, controllable sequence and play them on stage. Midi also provides the ability to control over inter active loops or pre programmed sequence over video play backs and on-stage visuals. Midi adds a varied and fresh feel to the musical per formance for those who are on the stage and in the audience. Apart from the control over on-stage music performance, pre produced sequencing and lighting; Midi can play a strong role in the execution and production of on-stage lightning special effects. Midi enables drum machines, samplers, sequencers, electronic drums, synthesisers, digital reverbs and delays, home computers and guitars and all sorts of other music and music related gears to be inter-connected so that we can control and play several pieces of equipment from central device. Midi also provides a common timing source for synchronising drum machines and sequencers. Apart from the benefits, Data Glove has some perceived problems in its usage. The movements of the Data glove are limited as it is connected to the receptor through wire and sometimes it exhibits delays in catching up the movements. Fingers can exhibit sporadic movements and can have bad effects if they fit the fingers badly. These are the common problems we are going to face with its usage in any other area or real time applications. Chapter 3 LITERATURE REVIEW SCOPE AND LIMITATION LIMITATIONS: Problems faced by Data Glove are reliability, both from physical and calibration point of view. Gloves become highly frustrating and non intuitive to use if they badly fit the fingers. Fingers can exhibit sporadic movement or even take on physical impossible shapes. The movements of the controller are limited because they are dependent upon the receptor which is picking up the location of the sensors. When the sensors cannot be detected by the receptor, then the movements of the Data Glove will not be registered. And as the Data Glove is connected to the receptor through the cable, it limits the users amount of movement and range. Sometimes Data Glove virtual controllers found slight delay in the movement time depending on the computer speed as well. Absence of left hand model and a tired arm after prolonged use of Data Glove are few more limitations of the Data Glove. SCOPE: The scope of this project is to work only on the functionality of the Data Gloves in the system control and Midi management by overwhelming the drawbacks; however we are not bothered about how the Data Glove is going to be used in other real world applications. And we dont have participants in this project to test because finally we just dealt with the expansion of Data Gloves applicability in controlling the Midi files. However the project quality is maintained by testing the results repeatedly in the virtual environment by me before the supervisor. So this is all about movements of Data Glove movements in terms of Midi. STRUCTURE OF REVIEW In this project we controlled the computer operations using the Glove movements and hand gestures. When we move the Data Glove in front of the receptor tower which has got two infrared sensors in its range, it receives the hand gestures. These 2 infrared sensors are going to detect the visible LEDS on the Glove (they are eight altogether) and convert them into an (x, y, z) position for the Glove and an orientation in terms of Pitch, Yaw and Roll. The Glove uses a 6 bit A/D converter with a resolution of 64 intermediate positions between a fisted and a flat hand. The Glove is plugged in to the tower first, which is then connected to the pcs USB port. The Glove also has bend sensors in its fingers and four buttons on the top. The p5 is an amazing piece of hardware below shows the diagram of the Data Glove. Pitch is nothing but the rotation about the x-axis; Yaw acts around the y-axis; and Roll acts around the z-axis. A positive pitch rotates the hand upward; a positive yaw turns it to the right; and a positive roll turns the top of the hand to face right. The fingers bend data depends on the Glove calibration settings. (P5 is calibrated via its windows control panel, which comes as part of its installation software). An interactive Glove is made from a light weight material into which transducers are sewn to measure finger joint angles. These transducers can be fibre optics or strain gauges which changes their physical characteristics when they stretched. Gloves are mainly designed to use in the virtual environments. It monitors the assimilation of the fingers and an extra tracker on the wrist keeps track of the position and orientation of the hand. However together they enable a complete virtual hand to be animated within a virtual environment. There are four buttons on the top face o f the Glove, which are labelled as A, B, C, and D. When D button is pressed the Glove automatically switches off. A wired Glove is Glove-like input device for the virtual reality environments. Power Glove was first developed by Mattel Intellivision Company for entertainment applications. It is a most common hand measurement device which is based upon infrared remote tracking technologies and proprietary band sensors which are used to interact with 3D and virtual environments such as educational softwares, video games, websites and many more. Its a kind of USB peripheral device that captures the finger movements using optical system-infrared signals rather than sound waves. And various sensor technologies are used to capture physical movements like bending angles of the joints of the thumb and the lower and middle knuckles of the other fingers, also extended to measure abduction angles between the fingers. These movements are translated by the respective software which accompanies the Gloves because even one movement can mean any number of things. These Gloves can also be used as an output device by providing hap tic feedback, which is a simulation of the sense of touch. Motion trackers like magnetic tracking device or inertial tracking device is often attached to capture the global position or rotation data of the Glove. This Glove offers six degrees of tracking such as x, y, z, yaw, pitch, and roll. This is designed in such a way that it is compatible with the Microsoft Windows operating system and Apple Macintosh operating system. The Data Glove was developed as a gesture recognition tool. This Data Glove is based upon fibre optic technology. Many types of Gloves like Digital Data Entry Glove, MIT LED Gloves, Super Gloves, Fifth dimension Technologies 5th Gloves, Sensor Gloves are also developed till now for the purposes of real time computer graphics, animations and gesture recognition, Design research, and robot control applications. We have got few IEEE papers from the internet where in they worked on the Data Glove in various fields. However we have considered only few papers that closely related to my project. In the paper titled Techniques for selecting and manipulating objects in the virtual environment by Yingzhen Liu and Gang Wan they tried to prove interaction with the virtual objects in virtual environment using Data gloves, is more natural, realistic and efficient than using a mouse to increase the users immersion. They tried to work on the human computer interaction by measuring the finger motions, finger flexure and abduction between the fingers to recognize the gestures from the raw data collected by the computer correctly. They first tracked all the data from the Glove, then constructed a frame by converting the data into gestures using glove sensors and compared it with the users real hand gestures. As the virtual gestures kept changing with the users they had set particular boundaries for the disp lay. Using these strategies they managed the selection and modification of the virtual objects in the virtual environment by the virtual hand i.e. human Data Gloves realistic. However further studies are going on this research based on various properties. The second paper which was accessed on 27th November from the website was Motion Editing With Data Glove which was worked by Wai-Chun Lam, Feng Zou, Taku Komura. In this paper they proposed a new method to edit captured human motion data by using the Data Glove. This method is used not only for editing human motion, but also for controlling human figures in real time environments such as games and virtual reality systems. They generate a mapping function that converts the motion of the hand to that of the whole body by wearing the Data Glove and a new motion out of the existing motion captured data in database, and to apply the motion to characters with different hierarchical and retargeting methods and body sizes. In this paper they introduced a new dynamic editing method which is called data gloves to overcome the gap of the nature of editing methods and that of human motion. In this project they wear the Data Glove and display, mimic the human moti ons on the graphical display to generate the motion synchronous to the human gait appearing on the screen by moving the index finger and the middle finger. They followed two stages i.e. capturing stage and reproduction stage to work on this concept. Finally by capturing the human motions and reproducing them in a creative way they have succeeded in proposing a new method in editing human motions using the Data gloves. The third paper we have considered is Data glove Calibration with Constructed Grasping Gesture Database by Bin Wang and Shuling Dai. The main aim of this paper is to improve the precision of the human hand Data Gloves motion measurements and to construct a human hand model suit for general purpose instrumented Glove applications. This paper contributed to achieve grasping gesture database construction without the need of any external sensors, a reliable and discreet calibration routine that can handle cross coupling errors of the sensors. They presented a model based gesture construction technique for establishing calibration database and a calibration routine for the instrumental Glove that precisely and quickly adjusts the Glove to fit a particular user. After a few experiments using kinematics they finally succeeded in proposing a complete Data Glove calibration method, identifying the Data Glove impressions precisely without any help of external sensors, and also handling the cro ss coupling errors using calibration routine . REVIEW In this project we worked with the dynamic input device like Data Gloves to construct an interactive 3D virtual design with the use of software. Because standard input devices do not mostly resemble natural hand motions. This involves recognition of hand gestures and their implementation. In this way we created virtual environments according to the music in a dynamic, lively and sprightly way so that these creations can be used by the musicians, DJs and many more to make the audience feel and appear like in a real environment and succeeded in controlling Midi files in the virtual environment. Transmitting software is used here to track the motions of different parts of the body and changes the virtual environment accordingly. SUMMARY Finally we would like to summarise what we have done in this project is, we have used Data Gloves as an input device for the computer using various attributes in various ways and controlled the Midi files output in the virtual environment by taking the Midi files as an input through Midi devices which acts as a bridge between the Glove Pie software and Midi files CONSTRAINTS The equipment required to research in this project is Data gloves which is provided by the university and few softwares that are available online for free and as we have not practiced it before any one there is no need of participants in this project as we have not practiced the results before anyone. Chapter 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES DATA GATHERING TECHNIQUES Not clear To research and produce the results we followed a particular protocol, a methodology which helped us to achieve expected error free results on time. Analysis on this project helped us to achieve the target easily because in the phase of analysis we have designed what to do, how to do and started implementing them one by one by experimenting the data gloves and running various Glove pie programs by modifying their attributes. And then we started testing Midi files using data gloves in the SynthEdit software which is nothing but a freeware windows application that uses a modular Visual Programming Language to create music synthesizers and effects units. It Provides a GUI(Graphical User Interface) editing system with full of Midi interface for hardware controllers and allows users to create Visual Studio Technology(VST) effects and Visual Studio Technology instruments. All the audio and Midi plug ins for SynthEdit software are coded in C and C++ languages using SynthEdit Music Plug In Standard application programming interface i.e. based upon Generalized Music Plug In Interface. In order to test how we control Midi files using data gloves we have to install the Midi driver first, which acts as a connecting drive between data gloves and Midi software. We have installed Midi Yoke as the Midi driver. It is a Midis patch cable driver which is used to connect any applications output to any other applications input. After that we installed P5 Midi software which is used to transfer the P5 glove movements from essential reality into midi controller. It takes the hand movements coming from P5 glove sensors and converts them to Midi messages. This is used to control all the Midi programs and the Midi synthesizer using a single hand movement. It can be used either with Midi synthesizer or with Midi device and it allows selecting the Midi port to which the messages are sent by connecting the synthesizer directly to the Midi port. Midi is really a wired protocol specificatio n that describes the transmission of data from one Midi enabled device to another. Midi defines a set of messages that travel over dedicated, synchronous serial channels. There are two sorts of messages, Midi short messages and system messages. The short messages are made up of one to three Midi words where each Midi word consists of a start bit, data bits and a stop bit. They contain information such as note beginning and end, volume, and other sorts of music gesture information. The system messages can be broken down into system exclusive messages, which can be any length and are used to configure and manage Midi equipment, and active sensing messages. Active sensing messages are transmitted at a definite frequent interval to indicate that a controller is still alive and active. The Midi short messages include Midi channel information. Finally we require visual jockey software which is a three dimensional animation software, where we finally implement the procedure in real time. U sing this we finally play the Midi keyboard notes using the data gloves which is quite exciting. We follow a particular protocol to connect the data gloves, Midi software and the Midi drive to generate the anticipated outcome. All the software we require for this research can be found on the internet for free. METHODS CHOOSEN To bring out the expected outcome on time there is a need to follow a particular protocol which is nothing but a set of rules and regulations. Because disruptions in the project may lead to unexpected typical sequences which is going to affect time and final result. So the methodology used in this project is, first we collected all the data required to process further and then started working on the softwares downloaded one by one. Glove pie programs are easy to run and implement. We worked on various glove pie programs to know how the movement changes with various parameters changing, using the data gloves. A few Glove pie programs, variation in the output by changing the existing programs are presented below. // Grabbing the bow string: //var.GrabbingBowString = pressed(var.CanGrabBowString and p5.z > -700) var.TryingToGrabBow = pressed(var.CanGrabBowStr0ing) var.GrabbingBow = False if ((not var.HoldingBowString) and (var.ValidBowGrip) and var.TryingToGrabBow and (p5.z > -700)) then var.GrabbingBow = true var.HoldingBowString = true Debug = Grabbing Bow String end if // Pulling back the bow string var.DrawingBow = var.HoldingBowString and p5.zVelocity < -800 if var.DrawingBow then debug = Drawing Bow end if var.UndrawingBow = var.HoldingBowString and p5.zVelocity > 800 var.BowDrawnBack = var.HoldingBowString and p5.z